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Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited
Wool Research and Development Funding Announcement
Request for Proposals to Innovate and Develop Wool Products and Marketing Opportunities with Canadian Wools.
The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited (CCWG) is inviting written submissions for research and development proposals that would deliver innovation, foster new market development and production partnership opportunities in the pursuit of marketing Canadian Wools.
Description of the Project
CCWG has long understood the need for diversification in the uses and consumption patterns of wool and wool products in Canada. There has been a lot of rekindled interest in wool as an environmentally friendly, sustainable and renewable product with much to offer to a number of uses. While there exists a ready market for the high-quality fine wools, the coarse wools with higher proportions of defects are much more challenging to market in our present global marketing conditions. Emphasis on developing novel uses for these wool types are encouraged!
CCWG has established a fund to foster the development of the Canadian wool market and innovation of novel products. The funding dollars are available in the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 to a maximum of $20,000 per year. The intended use of the contribution would be to form funding partnerships with entities who would match and leverage contributions to maximize impact. The intended CCWG dollars should not exceed 50% of the total value of the project costs. A combination of cash and in-kind matching contributions will be considered.
Smaller research proposals are also welcomed, in the event of multiple smaller submissions CCWG would accept more than one project up to the combined maximum of $20,000 total per year.
The following must be included in all proposals submitted:
- Budget (See Appended Budget Form)
- Timelines for project and all reports
- Liability Waivers & Permissions for Publication
Additionally, every project will require the following in due course:
- Progress Reporting
- Final Report / Product
- Program Schedule and Deadlines:
- June 1-30 Intake Period
- July 11-15 Zoom Interviews of Shortlist Candidates
- August 1 Announcement of Winner(s)
- January 31 Interim Project Report
- August 1 Project Findings Report Due*
- October Project Presentation at CCWG AGM
*For projects occurring over more than 1-year CCWG would require interim project reports every 6 months at minimum. For larger dollar contribution projects some cash may be released after receipt of interim project reports.
Instructions to all Researchers/Developers for Submitted Proposals
Provide a brief description of your organization, relevant experience and qualifications
Provide a description of your proposed approach to complete the undertaken within the timeframe and budget allotted.
Provide evidence of your ability to meet the time and empirical requirements to develop communication assessments.
Identify all resources to be used.
Selection Process
Project selection will be made on the basis of best value in terms of technical merit and cost. The decision is expected to be made by the full Board of Directors for the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers.
Questions concerning this request for project proposal submissions should be directed to General Manager.
CCWG Wool Research & Development Application Form
Please send all documentation and proposals to ccwghq@wool.ca