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The co-operative grades
and markets close to 3
million pounds of raw wool each
year; the majority of this coming
from Québec, Ontario and
Each of the three general classes of wool (fine,
medium and coarse) are sold wherever
the best prices are available.
Board of Directors for CCWG
The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited Board of Directors is comprised of 10 directors from across Canada who each serve alternating two year terms. An executive committee is then elected annually from within the Board of Directors, by the Board of Directors.
The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited is a producer owned Co-operative involved in the collection, grading and marketing of the Canadian wool clip to domestic and global markets. The Co-op also operates a large network of outlets and dealers for farm supplies and wool clothing.
For further information contact:
Office Administrator
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited
Box 130, Carleton Place, Ontario, K7C 3P3
613-257-2714 ext 203 Fax: 613-257-8896
email: accounts@wool.ca
BRITISH COLUMBIABarbara Ydenberg27382 84 Ave Langley BC V1M 3L4 604-856-3365 Cell: 604-727-4182 | ALBERTA |
ALBERTA John Woodburn | SASKATCHEWANArlette Seib |
SASKATCHEWANLarry Kennedy | MANITOBAMorgan Moore |
ONTARIO WestAllan Ribbink | ONTARIO EastReg Campbell |
QUÉBEC WestScott StephensC57 Hwy 303 Sud Shawville QC J0X 2Y0 819-743-6378 | QUÉBEC EastVacant |
ATLANTICRuth Mathewson989 Upper Brookside Rd Central North River NS B6L 6W6 902-895-4708
Director Elections
Any shareholder interested in a director position is required to file a nomination ballot supported by three shareholders from the provincial sub district in which they reside, at least 60 days prior to the provincial shareholders meeting. Copies of our corporate bylaws and nomination ballots are available upon request from any branch of the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited. All nomination ballots must be received at Head Office by June 30.