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- >Awards given by CCWG
The co-operative grades
and markets close to 3
million pounds of raw wool each
year; the majority of this coming
from Québec, Ontario and
Each of the three general classes of wool (fine,
medium and coarse) are sold wherever
the best prices are available.
Awards given by CCWG
4H Scholarship Program
4-H Canada would like to thank our generous partners: Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers, Canadian Meat Council, CIBC, John Deere Canada, TD Bank Group, The W. Garfield Weston Foundation and CN for their commitment to supporting 4-H members as they pursue their post-secondary education.
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers 4-H Scholarships
4-H Canada is proud to announce that through the generosity of the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, two scholarships - each valued at $1000 – are available to 4-H members planning to attend a Canadian university or college in September in an agriculture-based program, ideally with a focus on sheep related studies.
Congratulations to the 2023 winners
Program of Study
Mary Brander
Bachelor of Science, Animal
University of Guelph
Savanna Elliot
British Columbia
Agricultural Management - AgriCommerce
Olds College of Agriculture & Tech
Congratulations to the 2022 winners
Program of Study
Elyse McAteer
Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Alberta
Ashley Miller
Bachelor of Science, Agriculture Major Animal Science
University of Guelph
Congratulations to the 2021 winners
Program of Study
Torann Mecham
Bachelor of Science, Animal Bioscience
University of Saskatchewan
Brianna Hiltz
Nova Scotia
Bachelor of Science, Agriculture
Dalhousie University
Congratulations to the 2020 winners
Program of Study
Keely Airth
Agriculture Management
Olds College
Rhiannah Gallagher
Bachelor of Science, Animal Biology
University of Guelph
Congratulations to the 2019 winners
Program of Study
Courtney Taylor
Agriculture & Bioresources, Diploma in Agribusiness
University of Saskatchewan
Maria Duynisveld
Nova Scotia
Bachelor of Science, Agriculture
Dalhousie University
Congratulations to the 2018 winners
Program of Study
Kaylie Krys
Environmental Science: Conservation & Restoration Ecology
Lakeland College
Alesha Dennis
Nova Scotia
Bachelor of Science, Agriculture
Dalhousie University
Congratulations to the 2017 winners
Program of Study
Kendra Elliott
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Laura Scott
Agriculture Diploma
University of Guelph
Congratulations to the 2016 winners
Program of Study
Autumn Lawson
Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness)
University of Saskatchewan
Ella Lentz
Nova Scotia
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Dalhousie University
Certificate of Merit Award for wool production in Canada
The Certificate of Merit is given annually to wool producers in Canada who best support the co-operative method of marketing wool through their knowledge and efforts at producing wool which goes far to promote Canadian wool to buyers. It is our intention that this award will grow in prestige and stature as the symbol of excellence in commercial wool production.
Due to organized marketing and the emphasis being placed on producing a quality product by members of the Co-op, a great interest is being shown in Canadian Wool by both commercial and individual buyers. Now there is recognition paid to wool growers who take extra pride in their wool, and through extra efforts offer a much improved product for market.
These growers also exemplify the co-operative spirit and contribute by making their system of marketing operate more efficiently, to the benefit of all wool growers across Canada.
In order that these men and women be known for their efforts and so some standard will exist in commercial wool production, as it does in so many ways with lamb production a Certificate of Merit is awarded to the top wool shippers of Canada for the current wool season. These growers will also be recognized at our annual meeting as well as in the next issue of the Canadian Wool Growers Magazine.
The selection will be made by a panel of judges representing the shearing, warehousing, grading, selling and buying aspects of wool. Consideration will be given to volume, breeding, care of the fleece, proper preparation and shipment to the Co-op. Factors such as geographic location will be considered as well to allow for unavoidable variations in such things as climate.
No grower will be penalized for offsorts that have been separated, identified and shipped to the co-op as such.
Honorary Knights of the Golden Fleece
is given for
Notable Service and Outstanding Contribution to
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited
and to Agriculture in Canada.
Col. Robert McEwen, March 25th 1937
Christian Jensen, March 30th, 1950
George E. O’Brien, March 25th, 1964
W. H. Jaffray Tisdale, March 25th, 1965
John Wilson Jr., April 2nd, 1970
John C. Ross, April 5th, 1979
Lalovee R. Jensen, March 27th, 1980
Robert W. Shopland, April 14th, 1984
Newton G. Bennett, April 25th, 1987
Lloyd Ayre, May 1st, 1993
A. Russell Simpson, May 28th, 2005
John D. Balderson, October 18th, 2014